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The upcoming IoT West Africa Conference and Exhibition, occurring from July 2-4, 2024, at the Balmoral Center, Federal Palace in Lagos, Nigeria, stands as a pivotal marker in the technological renaissance sweeping Nigeria and the broader West African region. 
This event goes beyond a showcase of emerging technologies, it acknowledges the vital role the telecom industry plays in the economic growth and digital transformation of the area.
The strategic importance of Lagos as the host city intertwines with Nigeria’s rapid development in technology, infrastructure, and a burgeoning digital economy.
It emphasizes the commitment to enhancing the business sector, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises within technology, agriculture, and manufacturing sectors, through the lens of digital innovation.
Central to this transformation is the telecom industry, which acts as the backbone of connectivity and digital infrastructure across West Africa.
The IoT West Africa Conference zeroes in on the significant influence and contributions of telecoms to the region’s digital ecosystem. Shitij Taneja, Managing Director at Vertex Next, noted the telecom sector’s role in enabling digital transformation, pivotal in driving innovations in IoT alongside other cutting-edge technologies like blockchain, Big Data, and AI.
The meticulously designed conference agenda showcases the symbiotic relationship between telecoms and technological advancement through keynote speeches, panel discussions, and technical demos.
This rich content offering provides attendees with insights into the future of seamless connectivity enabled by the telecom industry, alongside emerging technological trends shaping the region’s digital landscape.
This year introduces a particularly significant initiative, the Cloud Expo Africa, which delves deep into the evolving dynamics of digital and cloud infrastructure. This segment highlights the centrality of telecoms in developing African data centers, focusing on advancements and green technology initiatives crucial for sustainable digital ecosystems.
The conference serves as a critical platform for telecom industry leaders and stakeholders to explore new opportunities, attract investments, and spearhead essential technological advancements.
It holds particular importance for individuals within the energy, power, telecom, and data center sectors, underscoring the unique influence of telecoms in enabling connected, digital solutions.
A groundbreaking development for this year’s event is the partnership with The Association of Telecommunications Companies of Nigeria (ATCON).
This collaboration further elevates the event’s focus on telecom and data centers, promising an enriched dialogue on the latest insights, technologies, and best practices vital for empowering and sustaining the digital economy.
For professionals and businesses poised to lead or adapt to the digital transformation in West Africa, participating in the IoT West Africa Conference and Exhibition offers an unparalleled opportunity to align with the forefront of industry innovation.
Through this engagement, attendees will not only witness but contribute to shaping the future landscape of digital and telecom advancements in the region.
For detailed information and updates, please visit the official event website at IoT West Africa. Mark your calendars for this indispensable event that highlights the enduring importance of the telecommunications industry in paving the way for a connected and digitally-driven West Africa.
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Thiqa Digital Finance, a leading Islamic finance platform, has announced its exclusive technology partnership with Paymenow, Africa’s market-leading Earned Wage Access (EWA) platform.
From June 2024 onwards, the strategic partnership will allow Uganda’s civil servants to have early and responsible access to their already earned wages, completely secure and interest-free, via a mobile app. 
EWA is powered by financial technology, allowing employees to securely and conveniently access their earned wages before their regular pay cycle.
EWA is beneficial for employees who need access to their wages in real-time, as it addresses the desperate need for affordable and responsible access to emergency cash – an increasingly prevalent occurrence in an economic environment marked by persistent cost-of-living increases. 
Thiqa specialises in designing and distributing fair and ethical digital financial solutions. They enable under-banked and unbanked Africans to access essential financial tools,  paving the way for a financially-empowered and equitable Africa.
The partnership allows Thiqa to leverage its valuable experience and knowledge of the Ugandan market to address shortcomings in the traditional monthly wage payment systems locally by providing employees with affordable real-time access to hard-earned wages.
Paymenow’s EWA platform has already provided financing to 500,000+ people in Africa and will now extend its reach and services to Uganda via this partnership with Thiqa.
In addition to responsible and affordable early access to wages, the mobile app will provide comprehensive financial education resources for its users, fostering a culture of savings and driving economic prosperity. 
Speaking on the partnership, Danielle Lavan, Chief Executive Officer of Thiqa Digital Finance, said: “At Thiqa, we are developing innovative and ethical products in Africa, rooted in our core principles of fairness, transparency and partnership. Our mission perfectly aligns with Paymenow’s commitment to fair finance, and financial well-being across Africa.
“We are dedicated to empowering salaried workers across Uganda, and are excited to expand our offering with convenient access to affordable finance and financial educational tools. The Thiqa-Paymenow product is unique and will address the daily and monthly cash flow challenges faced by most people between paydays, such as struggling to cover the essentials like food, utilities, transport and medication. 
“By partnering with Paymenow, we are bringing their direct payroll integration solution to Ugandan government employees, helping them bridge the gap between paydays and managing unexpected expenses. What Paymenow has been able to achieve in Southern Africa – growing a customer base of over half a million users – is exceptional, and we look forward to replicating this success and making a tangible impact in Uganda.”
At no cost to employers, government ministries or taxpayers, Paymenow’s platform will provide a cost-effective and credit-independent alternative to traditional financial solutions, significantly enhancing users’ financial well-being.
Independent research conducted over the past three years has consistently demonstrated its significant impact*: 94% of Paymenow users report a higher quality of life, 82% have reduced their debt, and 80% state increased employee satisfaction.
Furthermore, the adoption of EWA solutions like Paymenow’s has been shown to improve employee retention, attract new talent and enhance productivity by alleviating financial stress.
Group Chief Executive Officer of Paymenow Group, Deon Nobrega, commented, “We’re thrilled to join forces with Thiqa Digital Finance, who have an exemplary track record in terms of building Islamic and Shariah-Compliant financial solutions for the Ugandan market.
The traditional monthly pay cycle often leaves employees unable to cover emergencies or seize immediate financial opportunities. With our EWA technology, users in South Africa, Zambia and Namibia gain early access to their earned wages, enabling them to address pressing financial needs.
Together with Thiqa, we aim to empower Ugandans with the financial security and flexibility they truly deserve. Our embedded financial education tools will also equip Ugandans with the knowledge and resources to effectively manage their finances and build a brighter financial future.”
Established in 2019, Thiqa is a Ugandan Islamic fintech company pioneering Shariah-compliant financial solutions, licensed by the Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority (UMRA) and the Uganda Investment Authority.
Leveraging its proprietary technology platform, Thiqa empowers entrepreneurs, young people, and the financially excluded in Uganda.
Having engaged extensively with civil servants across different departments to understand their day-to-day cashflow pains, this collaboration aims to revolutionise the traditional payroll process in the Ugandan civil service, whilst directly addressing three United Nations Social Development Goals: Zero Hunger, Reduced Inequalities, and Industry and Innovation. 
The Thiqa-Paymenow Earned Wage Access solution will go live in Uganda on June 3rd, 2024. Initially, the alternative financial solution will benefit select Ugandan civil servants, with plans to expand to cover up to a quarter of the entire workforce by year-end.
Thiqa Digital Finance and Paymenow are also working to extend the solution to employees of corporate institutions across Uganda in a bid to create a positive and lasting impact on the wider Ugandan society.
Thiqa leverages partnerships to create innovative financial solutions that empower citizens. Drawing on its expertise in financial technology, the company partners with purpose-driven institutions to deliver inclusive digital financial tools in a transparent, fair and ethical manner. 
Danielle Lavan concludes, “Thiqa is extremely excited to introduce a different approach and an alternative source of finance for everyday Ugandans, in partnership with Paymenow. Offering interest-free access to an already earned wage, in a way that is responsible and affordable, will significantly improve the quality of our customers’ lives and promote a true savings culture.”
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9 Payment Service Bank (9PSB), Nigeria’s digital payment service bank, focused on financial inclusion, has re-emphasized that financial inclusion is the key enabler to poverty reduction and economic prosperity in Africa at the Regtech Africa Conference held recently in Lagos.
The event themed: Harnessing Partnerships for Africa’s Prosperity – Bridging the Data Trust Gap, is a convergence of financial experts and thought leaders in the digital financial service industry across Africa, aimed at sharing knowledge and proffering strategies to increase data trust in the last mile digital financial service delivery.
Delivering a keynote presentation, Branka Mracajac, the managing director, and chief executive officer, 9 Payment Service Bank (9PSB), stated that financial inclusion remains a key focus in Nigeria and in Africa.
According to her, it plays a significant role in reducing poverty and fostering prosperity of the people.
Mracajac said that achieving the desired results requires conscious effort by players in the industry to make financial products and services available, accessible, and affordable for all unbanked and underserved individuals and businesses, regardless of their age, gender, geographical region, and social economic status.
It also aims at empowering people with knowledge through financial literacy programmes and providing them with tools such as savings account and other payment options to participate in formal financial systems.
“A survey conducted in Nigeria in 2008 by EFinA revealed that about 53 per cent of adult were excluded from financial services, furthermore, financial inclusion as a vehicle for economic development have notable positive impact in Nigeria, it decreased the exclusion rate from the initial 53 per cent of about 40 million of adults to 36 per cent which today means about 29 million of adult Nigerians. 59 per cent of households in Nigeria are income providers, while most of the income providers are women, unfortunately, they are the ones that are mostly excluded from formal financial services, since Nigeria has about 26 per cent of adult Nigerians that are financially excluded, the target for this year as mandated by the Central Bank of Nigeria is to attain 25 per cent inclusion figure,” Mracajac added.
‘As we strive to grow financial inclusion, lack of access to financial services, low financial literacy among the populace, prohibitive cost of financial services and lack of trust in financial institutions are standing as roadblocks. Therefore, stakeholders and various industry players should begin to adopt localization of financial literacy and education, reduce minimal cost of accessibility for the people, simplified products, and processes,” she remarked.
The 2024 RegTech Africa Conference had a line-up of stellar speakers, case studies, panel discussions, engaging discussions, unique presentations providing access to a wealth of industry-leading knowledge, sharing best practices and experiences, spotlighting trends, information exchange, cutting-edge insights, and outlooks with actionable takeaways.
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In today’s globalised world, businesses are increasingly reliant on digital technologies to operate and thrive.
From online transactions to cloud-based data storage, the Internet has become an indispensable tool for companies of all sizes.
However, this digital dependence also brings significant cybersecurity risks. As businesses continue to embrace digital transformation, it’s crucial they prioritise cybersecurity to protect their operations, customers, and reputation.
Five Cybersecurity Myths
Imagine the internet as an endless ocean where our digital information—be it personal, financial, or work-related—moves like ships.
These ships are vulnerable to attacks from cybercriminals, much like historical ships were to pirates. Cybercrime incidents increased dramatically during the pandemic, with a 600% rise reported in 2021, according to the U.N. disarmament chief.
The financial sector was hit hardest, suffering substantial losses.
Given the prevalence of digital operations, it has become imperative for every business to establish a robust cybersecurity framework. Cybersecurity acts as a digital lighthouse, guiding business ships safely.
It’s like the Coast Guard, constantly patrolling to fend off threats, and the harbour defences, securing our ports of digital trade and communication. Without these protective measures, our online world would be at the mercy of cybercriminals, who are the pirates of today’s digital seas.
The importance of cybersecurity is paramount, yet its role is often overlooked. It’s not the dramatic confrontations that make headlines, but the silent averting of catastrophes that signifies its success.
The infamous 2014 cyber heist at Bangladesh’s central bank, which resulted in a loss of $101 million, and the 2017 Equifax data breach, affecting 147 million Americans, are grim reminders of the turmoil following a breach in our digital defences.
These events are not just monetary thefts; they represent intrusions into our private spheres and disruptions to our social order.
Behind the scenes, cybersecurity professionals work diligently. They are the cryptographers decoding malicious scripts, the analysts predicting cyber threat patterns, and the engineers bolstering our digital bases. Their arena is algorithms and encryption, waged with intellect rather than physical might.
However, in this battle, we are not passive observers. We each hold a key to our collective defence. Recent research by Purplesec reported that 98% of cybercrimes involve social engineering, exploiting human psychology to infiltrate systems.
The phishing email we discard, the complex password we create, and the software update we apply are the individual bricks that construct our communal rampart.
As we navigate the digital era, we must be cognizant of the crucial role of cybersecurity in the sustainability of our businesses. It’s not merely a technical requirement but a societal imperative.
The beacon permits innovation to thrive, economies to expand, and individuals to connect without fear. Cybersecurity is our silent guardian, and it’s our collective duty to maintain its watch.
In light of the significant risks associated with cyber threats, it is crucial that businesses prioritise cybersecurity as a critical component of their operations.
To achieve this, a multi-faceted approach is necessary. Firstly, robust security measures must be implemented, including firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection systems, to provide a strong defence against cyber-attacks.
Regular security audits and penetration testing are also essential to identify vulnerabilities and ensure that security measures are effective.
Furthermore, employees must be educated on cybersecurity best practices and kept informed about the latest threats, to prevent human error from compromising security.
In the event of a cyber-attack, having incident response plans in place enables businesses to respond swiftly and effectively, minimising damage and downtime.
Finally, collaboration is key. Businesses must work together, sharing intelligence and best practices, to stay ahead of the evolving cyber threat landscape.
By adopting a proactive and comprehensive approach to cybersecurity, businesses can protect themselves, their customers, and their reputation, and ensure they remain competitive and successful in today’s digital marketplace.
We must also ponder the ethical dimensions of cybersecurity. As we devise more advanced safeguards, we must ensure these measures respect our rights and freedoms. Cybersecurity should not be a choice between security and liberty but a balance that upholds both.
In the face of globalisation and digital transformation, cybersecurity is not a luxury—it’s a necessity. Nigerian businesses must recognise the urgency, allocate resources, and build a resilient defence against cyber threats.
By doing so, they can safeguard their operations, protect customer trust, and contribute to a secure digital ecosystem.
Oluwole Asalu is a founder, serial entrepreneur, and technology specialist writing from Lagos, Nigeria.
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Quick look

New payment innovations introduced at annual Visa Payments Forum for Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East, and Africa.
Products will advance digital identity, seamless checkout, flexible payments, nano-merchant acceptance, and faster, smarter account-to-account payments.
Launches Visa Pay, a payments-as-a-service platform, providing world-class, mobile-first experiences for digital payments and interoperable send-and-receive money movement.

Today at the annual Visa Payments Forum for Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa, Visa unveiled a suite of new products and services that will ­revolutionize the card and address the future needs of consumers, merchants and the financial institutions that serve them across the region.
Visa Payments Forum CEMEA 2024
The way people pay and get paid has changed more in the past five years than in the last 50, and the latest innovations will bring new payment experiences to transform commerce and money movement spanning eCommerce, face-to-face in-store shopping, and seamless money transfers.
“With rapidly accelerating digital payments growth across Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa, we have seen a transformation in how consumers and merchants want to pay and be paid both online and in-store,” said Andrew Torre, regional president, Visa CEMEA.  “As we continue to shape the future of commerce, we are excited to announce a next generation of truly digital-first payment experiences to support consumers, merchants and our clients and partners.  Today we are unveiling new card features and digital innovations that will bring consumers and merchants into a more customized, convenient, secure and inclusive future.”
Visa is introducing a portfolio of innovative new solutions that support digital identity, seamless checkout experiences, flexible payments, nano-merchant acceptance and protecting the security of account-to-account payments.
In addition, Visa is announcing Visa Pay, a new payments-as-a-service platform that provides world-class mobile-first experiences for digital payments and interoperable send-and-receive that has been developed for the Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa region.
The Visa Pay platform brings together extensive payment capabilities and provides a range of services for banks to quickly deploy new innovative solutions including digital issuance, payment initiation, tap-to-pay, fraud and risk management, wallet platforms, and more.
The new products and services Visa unveiled today, which will begin to roll out later this year, include:
Visa Flexible Credential
The Visa Flexible Credential will allow a single card product to toggle between payment methods, putting the power of choice in the hands of the consumer. Now people can easily set parameters or choose whether they use debit, credit, “pay-in-four” with installments, reward points or even pay in another currency. Visa Flexible Credential will be available in the CEMEA region over coming months.
Nano Merchant Acceptance
With an estimated 120 million formal and informal nano- and micro-merchants still yet to accept digital payments in the Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa region, Visa has been developing new ways to allow digital payments to physical cards and virtual credentials. This year, new ways to pay or be paid on a mobile device will be available to all merchants including:

USSD Push Payments: allowing digital payments through any feature phone.
Micro-merchant Acceptance: Allows money transfer from consumer to merchant through smartphone devices.
Tap to Phone: Any device can now be a point-of-sale (POS) by simply tapping a card or a digital credential.

Visa Payment Passkey Service
Identifying a person in the digital world has become incredibly complex and has resulted in a significant increase in fraud. Today, online payment fraud is seven-times higher than in-person payments.
Built on the latest Fast Identity Online (FIDO) standards, the Visa Payment Passkey Service confirms a consumer’s identity and authorizes online payments with a quick scan of their biometrics like a face or fingerprint.
When shopping online, Visa passkeys replace the need for passwords or one-time codes, enabling more streamlined, secure transactions.
Visa Payment Passkey confirms identity without interrupting the checkout experience, and increases security while reducing friction when you pay online, across any device or website, globally.
Click to Pay
Visa is launching Click to Pay to power a more seamless and secure checkout experience at scale, where consumers will simply need their registered email, phone number or Visa Payment Passkey to check-out online.
Additionally, in many markets around the world, Visa will partner with issuers to enable Click to Pay and Visa Payment Passkey Service on new Visa cards, reducing manual entry of card details and passwords from the moment the card arrives. Click to Pay is available in CEMEA today.
Visa Protect for Account-to-Account (A2A) Payments
Visa sees over 200 billion transactions every year and analyses 500 data elements in every transaction to identify and stop fraud in real time.
Working with Real-Time Payments (RTP) networks around the world, we are overlaying decades of Visa expertise in applying AI to help mitigate fraud for account-to-account payments on RTP networks.
Visa Protect for A2A Payments is already identifying 60% of RTP fraud and scams previously undetected by financial institutions where live in the UK and Latin America.  Visa Protect for A2A Payments will be available in the CEMEA region over coming months. 
Visa Pay
Tap to pay with Visa Pay
Visa Pay is a payments-as-a-service platform that allows banks to rapidly launch a range of new digital consumer and seller services through their own mobile banking apps to stay ahead of consumer digital preferences.
Capabilities integrated into Visa Pay include digital issuance, payment initiation, tap-to-pay, fraud and risk management, tokenization, wallet platforms and issuer processing through a partner.
With Visa Pay, banks can supercharge their existing mobile apps.  Consumers will enjoy mobile-first, world-class user experiences across digital payments and interoperable send and receive money movement, with improved security and reduced fraud.  Visa Pay will be introduced in CEMEA over coming months.
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The Nigeria Police Force (NPF) has launched a new platform for Nigerians to report cybercrime, improving the safety and security of the country’s digital space.
Accessible via the website, the new reporting platform, managed by the NPF National Cybercrime Centre (NPF-NCCC). This upgraded platform replaces the previous site, which is now obsolete.
The NPF assures users that the new platform incorporates enhanced security measures to safeguard user information and guarantee confidentiality. It’s also designed to be user-friendly, allowing for effortless and efficient reporting of cybercrime incidents. 
The platform also comes with improved tracking and response mechanisms to facilitate prompt and effective action on reported cases.
The Inspector-General of Police is urging all Nigerians to actively utilize this new platform for reporting any cybercrime activities. 
The Nigeria Police Force has noted that vigilance and prompt reporting greatly contribute to police efforts in tackling the cybercrime menace in Nigeria.
This launch comes shortly after President Bola Tinubu signed the Cybercrimes (Prohibition, Prevention, etc.) Amendment Act, 2024, into law in February. 
The new Act amends certain sections of the 2015 Cybercrimes Act. It’s important to note that some stakeholders have put forward concerns that security agencies might misuse the Cybercrimes Act to suppress journalists and activists.
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The Google Pixel 8 Pro, Samsung Galaxy Z Fold, and Asus Zenfone 10 are great smartphones, with unique features and capabilities for a diverse user base.
But we all have differing needs, so, how best can we make a good choice among these three devices?
That’s why we are here to help you scale through that seamless selection process.
Techeconomy has presented a comprehensive comparison of the Google Pixel 8 Pro, Samsung Galaxy Z Fold, and Asus Zenfone 10.  Read through to find out which is the most suitable for you.
Google Pixel 8 Pro
Launched in October 2023, the Google Pixel 8 Pro, was manufactured by tech giant Google to provide a more helpful and personal experience to smartphone users.
The device is powered by the Google Tensor G3 processor, featuring a super sharp 6.7-inch OLED screen display, a 120Hz refresh rate and up to 2400 nits of brightness.
On the other hand, the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5, announced on July 26, 2023, is an Android-based foldable device designed for productivity and business enthusiasts.
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5
It is powered by Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, a 120Hz refresh rate, and HDR10+, 7.6-inch foldable dynamic AMOLED 2X display, and 1812 x 2176 pixel resolution that gives users an awesome visual experience.
Asus Zenfone 10
Now to Asus Zenfone 10 which was announced on June 29, 2023. This phone makes use of Qualcomm SM8550-AB Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor, a 144Hz refresh rate, 5.9-inch super AMOLED screen size, 1080 x 2400 pixels resolution, and up to 1100 nits of brightness. It fits users’ lifestyles, holdable within the size of your hands.
Display Comparison
When it comes to display, the Google Pixel 8 Pro has a 6.7-inch size with 1344 x 2992 pixels resolution, a 120Hz refresh rate, HDR10+, and a maximum of 2400 nits of brightness.
The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5, has an edge over Google Pixel 8 Pro with its 7.6-inch dynamic AMOLED display, 1812 x 2176 pixel resolution that gives users a better visual experience.
Asus Zenfone 10, has a lesser size of 5.9-inch AMOLED display compared to Google Pixel 8 Pro and Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5. It comes with a 144Hz refresh rate, 1080 x 2400 pixels resolution, and 1100 nits of brightness.
Comparing the three devices, Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 has the best display, giving users the best viewing and multitasking experience.
Memory Comparison
The three devices have large memory storage options, with 256GB, 512GB, and 1TB of internal storage available on both the Google Pixel 8 Pro and the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5, with 12GB of RAM. The Google Pixel 8 Pro also has a 128GB option, with a pair of 12GB RAM.
The Asus Zenfone 10 has an option of 128GB and 256GB configuration that pairs with 8GB of RAM, and 256GB, 512GB configuration that pairs with 16GB of RAM.
Battery Capacity
Battery capacity is one highly important feature users look out for when purchasing a phone. The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 and Asus Zenfone 10 draw their energy from Li-Po 4,400 mAh and 4,300 mAh respectively, while the Google Pixel 8 Pro has a higher capacity with Li-Ion 5,050 mAh.
In terms of charging speed, the Google Pixel 8 Pro and Asus Zenfone 10 have a 30W fast charging capability, while the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 comes with 25W fast charging capability.
However, both Google Pixel 8 Pro and Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 charge up to 50% in 30 minutes.
The three devices were all built on multi-camera features with 50-megapixel main sensor, each taking great and high-quality photos. However, the Google Pixel 8 Pro stands out for its clear performance in a low-light condition.
Software and Performance
Google Pixel 8 runs on Android 14 and receives 7 years of OS and security updates; that is to say, it will see Android 21 by 2030. Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 on the other hand, operates on Android 13 with One UI 5.1.1, although, the phone will receive One UI 6 and Android 14 soon. It will get 4 Android upgrades with a fifth year of security patches.
The Asus Zenfone 10 operates on Android 13 with a layer of in-house Zen UI, promising 2 OS upgrades and 4 years of security patches.
While the Google Pixel 8 Pro stands out for its AI features like call screening, the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 can open up to 3 apps at a time, giving users ample opportunity for multitasking and productivity.
In Asus Zenfone 10, switching from one app to another is much easier and faster than the other two devices.
Price Comparison
The one with the highest cost is the Google Pixel 8 Pro, ranging between N675,540 to N825,660, while the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 costs around N2,537,000 to N2,913,000 depending and lastly, the most affordable is the Asus Zenfone 10, priced at N169,999.
If you’re looking for a smartphone with some key features like the AI call screening feature, and a camera with great performance in a low-light condition, you may have to consider the Google Pixel 8 Pro.
Users who prefer larger screens and multitasking are to consider the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 and coming to Asus Zenfone 10, smartphone users who prefer portable and budget-friendly devices will have to consider it.
Which one best meets your needs and budget?
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The Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) has addressed and rectified a temporary disruption that occurred on its results viewing portal. 
This issue, which caused the portal to go blank early on Friday morning, lasted for approximately two hours before being resolved.
Despite the interruption, the IEC assured the public that election result processing was unaffected, as local offices continued capturing results during the downtime. “All services have since been restored, and the leaderboard is functioning normally,” the commission confirmed in a statement, noting that the integrity of the results remained intact.
The incident occurred as the IEC’s results dashboard, housed at the technologically advanced Results Operating Centre (ROC) in Gallagher Estate, Midrand, was in full swing.
This Centre, built with solid digital infrastructure and high-speed WiFi provided by Telkom subsidiaries BCX and Openserve, is the hub for political parties, candidates, observers, stakeholders, and the media during the election period.
As the portal resumed normal operations, preliminary results for the South Africa election indicated that 54.9% of polling stations had reported their counts.
The ruling African National Congress (ANC) led with 41.86% of the votes, followed by the Democratic Alliance (DA) at 23.67%, and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) at 19.98%.
These figures show a decline for the ANC compared to its 57.5% victory in the 2019 elections, potentially forcing President Cyril Ramaphosa to consider coalition negotiations to maintain governance stability.
The IEC has not disclosed the exact cause of the glitch but reiterated that the technical issue did not compromise the data’s integrity. The Commission is looking to keep up the transparency and efficiency in processing and announcing the final election results.
In a wider view of the National and Provincial Elections 2024, the ROC’s role is important in ensuring smooth operation and communication.
The Centre, described as digitally advanced, was officially opened last week and is designed to facilitate the efficient handling of election data.
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The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has issued a directive to all Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) in the country to urgently address the issue of rapid depletion of mobile data. 
The NCC directive is in response to the increasing number of complaints from consumers who have voiced their dissatisfaction over what they perceive as unfair data consumption rates.
The NCC has mandated an independent audit of the MNOs’ billing systems to ensure transparency and fairness in data usage charges. This audit is expected to shed light on the technicalities behind data consumption and provide insights into how consumers can get the most value out of their data plans.
Again, the commission is launching an educational campaign to provide consumers with knowledge about data management. This initiative will provide valuable tips on how to prevent unwanted data depletion through smartphone settings and data usage monitoring.
Under the guidance of Dr. Bosun Tijani, Minister of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy, the NCC reaffirms its goal to enhance Nigeria’s digital modification. The commission’s actions align with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda, which emphasizes the importance of a sustainable digital economy as a cornerstone for national development.
The NCC’s directive is a collaboration with MNOs to enhance the quality of service and ensure that the benefits of digitalization are accessible to all Nigerians.
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Leadway Pensure Limited has announced the appointment of Olusakin Labeodan as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) effective June 1, 2024.
A statement by the firm stated that the strategic transition follows the retirement of Lanre Idris, who worked with the company for over 18 remarkable years in various top management roles.
Before this appointment, Labeodan was the group chief marketing officer at Leadway Holdings Co. and has been instrumental in planning, developing, and executing comprehensive business marketing strategies for the Leadway Group.
With over two decades of invaluable experience in non-banking financial institutions, Olusakin has demonstrated a strong track record in strategic management, organizational synergy, sales, and business development for corporate performance and value capture within Leadway Pensure and the broader Group.
Labeodan is known for visionary leadership, strategic growth management and innovation. As Group Chief Marketing Officer, he was pivotal in shaping and executing the organisation’s marketing and group synergy strategies, significantly contributing to sales growth and market expansion.
His tenure as Executive Director of Sales & Investment at Leadway Pensure PFA further solidified the company’s market leadership through diversified growth initiatives and a commitment to relationship-centric customer service.
Reflecting on Labeodan’s appointment, Lanre Idris, the outgoing CEO, expressed his confidence in his successor:
“Olusakin is a dynamic leader with a proven ability to steer organisations towards success. Having served together for several years, I have witnessed his strategic insight and deep understanding of our industry.
“He is the quintessential talent to lead Leadway Pensure into its next phase of growth and development.”
Commenting on his new role, Olusakin Labeodan stated,
“I am deeply honoured to assume the role of Chief Executive Officer at Leadway Pensure. I am committed to building upon the strong foundation laid by my predecessors, driving the company towards continued innovation, market leadership, and sustained value creation.
With our resilient team, I am confident that we will overcome today’s macroeconomic dynamics and seize opportunities further to deepen Leadway Pensure’s position in the market.
“I look forward to working closely with our dedicated staff and valued stakeholders. Our focus will be on leveraging technology and strategic partnerships to deliver distinctive investment returns and excellent service.” Labeodan added.
Labeodan has a distinguished educational background from prestigious institutions such as the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and IESE Business School.
His expertise in strategy, leadership, sales, distribution, and business development will undoubtedly contribute to Leadway Pensure’s evolving success.
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